A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Empowering Women's Health: How Gender Equality Shapes Wellbeing

Disparities in women's health and wellness, as compared to men, are most disproportionate when it comes to mental health, struggles with depression, reproductive and sexual health, and access to services, as well as struggles with chronic disease and the lack of prosperity and therefore access to services needed to lead a healthy life. Read the full article.

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Twenty Best Quotes from Female Entrepreneurs in Honor of Women’s Equality Day

In honor of the grit, perseverance, and ongoing effort women make to achieve their dreams, here are my twenty favorite quotes from female leaders and entrepreneurs. See who’s on the list!

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A For-Good Clothing Company Helps Abuse Survivors: Interview with Founder Abi Horton

A 100% organic clothing company focused on reducing our impact on the environment and giving back to people in need, Abi and her partner Danny believe in creating sustainable products that help our environment and make a difference for future generations but also for people here, right now.

Abi and I sat down and chatted about what inspires her and how she balances life as a woman, entrepreneur, and advocate for the environment and human rights.

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What Kind of Attention Do You Want? Are You Focusing on the Wrong Things?

I've found that where I focus my attention and where I gain attention from are truly interconnected. I recently read a quote from Henry David Thoreau that sums up how I am starting to focus and channel my time, energy, and personal awareness; it goes, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." Read the full post on attention-seeking, and how to focus on the right things.

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Why 50 is the New 30: Interview with CEO Kristina Godfrey

I am most proud of my ability to balance the things that matter to me. I have been able to run and grow my business, be there for my three kids, maintain my friendships and foster new ones, be a loving wife (although sometimes bitchy 😉), take care of my mind and body, read great books, and most importantly, not take life too seriously!

I am incredibly proud of the relationships I have cultivated over the years – the very real and dear friendships I have nurtured. Those relationships never fail to lift me and keep me going. Read the full post.

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6 Things Women Should Be Openly Discussing

As women and men supporting women, we need to normalize the everyday discussions about all aspects of womanhood. As a middle-aged woman, a mother, a business owner, and a wife, I am yearning to foster open communication with my children, friends, and family about womens’ existence.

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Why Philanthropy and Winemaking Pair Nicely

It’s not every day I get to interview a woman-owned philanthropist and winemaker. Dani of Dani Gold Wines is a mom, wife, owns a wine company, and loves to give back to the world and her community. Read her interview now.

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What it Takes to Launch a Startup Before 30

When you meet Jessica Sturzenegger, CEO and cofounder, Amara Organic Baby Food, you’re immediately struck by her positive and warm personality, as well as her clear passion for health and wellness that can be delivered through food. Here is her story on the Entreprenista Mama blog.

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Stop Telling Women to ‘Be Less Emotional’

To change our perceptions of women, who they should be, and how they should express themselves, we first must understand why it's so damaging to tell people to be 'less emotional.' We women cannot advance the archaic, sexist institutional behaviors that lay like a layer of ice over our emotionally numb hearts without re-finding our emotions, our instincts, and our power through sensitive thoughts and actions! More on the Entreprenista Mama blog

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Managing Holiday Stress During a Pandemic

It's all fine and well to want to approach the holidays this year the way you feel is best but does 'your way' honor those with whom you want to celebrate? One of the biggest lessons I've learned in 2020 is that almost everyone I know has a different feeling about what's safe and a different approach to life right now. Read more about managing the stress of the holidays during this unusual time, with Coronavirus restrictions.

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Modern Feminism isn’t a ‘One Size Fits All’ Model

There is no right way to support women. There is no right way to be a mother. There is no right way to be a feminist. And suppose we, as women, really want to affect continual and lasting change for our daughters and their daughters. In that case, we may need to start supporting each other for real instead of one-upping and putting other women down to raise ourselves up. Read more about modern feminism and how women can support women.

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The Power of the Pivot: A Working Mom’s Perspective on Flexibility and Resilience

A mom, entrepreneur, soul-seeker, and general badass, Raena has made my days just a little brighter, deeper, and inspired ever since I started following along with her journey as a working mom on Instagram. I am ever the believer in building a community of women supporting women, and Raena has so much wisdom, and openness to share. This is Raena. Read the interview.

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Managing Anxiety as a Mom

Here’s how I’ve learned to manage anxiety as a mom. If you suffer from anxiety and have not sought help yet, I sincerely hope you will begin with that step. But either way, I hope my experience and the following ideas help bring a glimmer of hope to your life or someone else's that may need to read this.

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Confronting White Privilege in America: An Open Letter

I continuously lived in fear when I was growing up. Fear that we would not be accepted. Fear that we would be unjustly targeted by the police. Fear that we would be shunned by our community. I did not live in fear of losing my life. At the end of the day, I am white, and in this country that's the difference between life and death.

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