A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Embracing 43 as a Woman: How Your 40s Redefine Confidence

Turning forty-three is exciting for me, and I'll tell you why. So, if you found this post by accident, or if you're entering your mid-forties as a woman and feel ready to own this decade, let's talk about how you can redefine your mindset and embrace your 40s with confidence and self-awareness so you can thrive!

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How to Launch Your Own Business While Managing Motherhood

If you’re dying to escape the professional trap you find yourself in. If you have a business idea that you are itching to start. Or, you just want more flexibility with your family, I’m excited to share some of what I’ve learned as a woman business owner, and mompreneur with over ten years of experience starting businesses, failing at businesses, and getting back up to try again.

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Escaping the Slump: Conquering Analysis Paralysis and Procrastination

Feeling bogged down—whether it's steering through career decisions, balancing family life, or just trying to remember what fun looks like without a screen—can seem daunting. But fear not, I have some strategies that might just help us not only survive but maybe even thrive during these times:

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Unraveling the Secrets to Enjoyable Road Trips with Kids: A Mom’s Guide

I like to think of my little family as a pod of adventure and thrill-seekers – and we are! Our kids love going on the next adventure, and yes, we do go on a ton of camping trips and road trips. But let's be honest, calling it an "adventure" sometimes just means nobody threw up in the car seat. Read my tips for road tripping with kids.

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Top Women's Summer Lifestyle Insights You Can't Miss

This past month was all about the adventure of summer, new places, people, and things we fell in love with—and big surprise… I want to share it with you!

Are you more of the staycation type or big-time-summer adventurer? Perhaps you're lugging along a troup of kids or vacationing with your sweetheart.

Whether you're the bootstrap tent-camping type or big resort type, here's the official Womanhood Unwrapped roundup for the remainder of summer – complete with highlights tailored especially for the superhero working women and moms out there.

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Simplifying Life as a Working Mom: A Guide to More Balance and Less Overwhelm

Chances are, if you’re a working mom like me, you're also deep in the trenches of mom chaos, which ranges from organized disarray to full-blown apocalypse. So, before you ask how this post will help you navigate the madness, let me assure you, I've found some ways to keep my life from unraveling faster than a cheap sweater.

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The Lifestyle Monthly Wrap-Up for Women: May 2024

I’m getting so excited for summer, camping, traveling, and spending time with my kiddos away from the hustle of the school year.

So, in anticipation of the summer fun to come, here’s your Womanhood Unwrapped monthly lifestyle wrap-up for May 2024.

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How and Why Listening to Your Intuition Matters

Learning to listen to your intuition and instincts is important. So, if you struggle with listening to your intuition. Or you just need a reminder of why and how it’s important to honor your instincts. Here are some of the ways in which you can tune in.

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The Best Business & Career Ideas for Women in 2024

It’s always struck me as odd that there’s a cultural expectation that people will find the career they want by the time they are eighteen years old and will stay in that profession for their whole working life!

I mean, if you look at your other choices and changes throughout life, it’s kind of silly, right?

If you're considering a new business or career, this post is for you! I’m here to inspire you with the top business ideas for women in 2024.

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Finding Fulfillment and Happiness as a 42-Year-Old Woman

If you’re a woman turning forty-two-years-old soon, you’ve already crossed the threshold into your mid-forties, or you’re just curious and planning for the future, here are some of the ways I’m striving to live a fulfilled and fabulous life at forty-two years old.

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What I've Learned in My 50+ Years as a Woman Leader

Jill Rose is an experienced life coach and owner of Jill Rose Coaching. She works with women to help them reclaim their joy. And Jill truly is a joy to know. Additionally, “life coach” really doesn’t fully express what I feel makes Jill such an incredible woman leader, business owner, and mother. But instead of me blabbering on, let’s get to the interview!

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Celebrate Her: Holiday Gift Guide for the Women in Your Life

This year, we’ve collected our favorite products and gift ideas for the women in your life, so you don’t have to go hunting all over the place for the perfect gifts.

Here it is, The Womanhood Unwrapped Holiday Gift Guide for Your Favorite Women. Or, as we like to say, the Ultimate WU (Womanhood Unwrapped) Girl. 😘

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Ten Things I’ve Learned Being A Parent of Two

Over the eleven years I’ve been a parent, and yes, to all of you grown-and-flown moms out there, I’m sure you’re thinking, “Oh, honey, you have no idea yet!” All the same, over this decade plus, I’ve learned (often the hard way 🥴) a number of valuable lessons about parenting two very unique little humans.

Whether you’re a new mom of two, a mommy to more than two, or are going through a tough time with parenting your kiddos, I hope this list helps bring you some peace, insight, and a laugh or two (no pun intended 🤪).

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How to Become a Conscious Parent by Healing from Your Childhood Trauma

I wasn’t always a conscious, gentle parent. I was raised by a single mom with three kids under the age of 7. My childhood was marked by her struggles, her pain, and the harsh parenting techniques she inherited from her retired military stepfather’s overpowering, colossal presence. Here’s how I healed and began to parent in a conscious and loving way.

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How to Deal with Burnout as a Working Mom

Mothers in today's society, at least in the United States, are expected to be there for their children's every need. They also ought to work for personal or financial reasons and take care of all household needs. Of course, there are the outliers. The mom's who work and have a partner at home take care of the family's day-to-day concerns. But in general, women now are expected to take care of everyone and everything but themselves. It's the #Momlife expectation that's, in fact, grinding us all to the bone. And that unrealistic expectation is causing severe burnout and depression across the board.

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7 Steps to Create a Personal Strategic Plan for 2022

Instead of resolutions, I believe that you need a plan. And not just any plan, not some loosey-goosey list of high faluting things you’ll never accomplish, or a gushy statement of acceptance that is actually just stunting your growth. I mean a real personal strategic plan that looks at your accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, and realistic goals for the new year. Will you accomplish all of your pursuits in one year? Likely not, and that’s OKAY! A well-thought-out personal strategic plan isn’t about pressure or dooming yourself for failure; it gives you an incremental path from point A, where you are, to point B, where you want to be. And at the end of this year, if you sit down and create this personal roadmap again for your life, I will bet you that you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come!

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Why Philanthropy and Winemaking Pair Nicely

It’s not every day I get to interview a woman-owned philanthropist and winemaker. Dani of Dani Gold Wines is a mom, wife, owns a wine company, and loves to give back to the world and her community. Read her interview now.

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Stop Pressuring Yourself and Still Enjoy the Moments with Your Children

My kiddos are nine and six years old now, so I feel like I right in the middle of the ‘raising children journey.’ Although, someone with adult kids is welcome to correct me on this. And I know the teenage years are coming and will change the dynamic drastically. Therefore, I am definitely working harder these days to enjoy my little humans, and appreciate how much they have grown already. But there are still those days (or should I more accurately say, moments every day), that I do not enjoy. These are the ones I look back on and feel guilt or regret for not being more patient, or listening more. But I think it’s time to normalize the rollercoaster of emotion that comes along with parenting. Stop trying to enjoy every moment, but enjoy the important ones!

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