A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Embracing 43 as a Woman: How Your 40s Redefine Confidence

Turning forty-three is exciting for me, and I'll tell you why. So, if you found this post by accident, or if you're entering your mid-forties as a woman and feel ready to own this decade, let's talk about how you can redefine your mindset and embrace your 40s with confidence and self-awareness so you can thrive!

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Top Women's Summer Lifestyle Insights You Can't Miss

This past month was all about the adventure of summer, new places, people, and things we fell in love with—and big surprise… I want to share it with you!

Are you more of the staycation type or big-time-summer adventurer? Perhaps you're lugging along a troup of kids or vacationing with your sweetheart.

Whether you're the bootstrap tent-camping type or big resort type, here's the official Womanhood Unwrapped roundup for the remainder of summer – complete with highlights tailored especially for the superhero working women and moms out there.

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The Lifestyle Monthly Wrap-Up for Women: May 2024

I’m getting so excited for summer, camping, traveling, and spending time with my kiddos away from the hustle of the school year.

So, in anticipation of the summer fun to come, here’s your Womanhood Unwrapped monthly lifestyle wrap-up for May 2024.

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How and Why Listening to Your Intuition Matters

Learning to listen to your intuition and instincts is important. So, if you struggle with listening to your intuition. Or you just need a reminder of why and how it’s important to honor your instincts. Here are some of the ways in which you can tune in.

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Wrapping Up the Year: What I Loved and Learned in 2023

As soon as January 1, 2024, hits, I promise you’ll be ready to charge forward with inspiration and powerful motivation if you don’t wear yourself ragged over the holiday season.

So here I am, cozying up with a warm beverage and starting my annual wrap-up. Here’s what I loved and learned this year. I hope it provides you with some inspiration for your own reflection.

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For My Son: What I Wish For You

If you’re reading this, hoping to gain some insight into your hopes and dreams for your son or son’s futures, I endeavor to give you the following:

  • A glimpse into how this modern working mom (me!) is trying to raise my son

  • Camaraderie in the son-parenting journey

  • Solace in the knowledge that we’re all doing the best we can

  • A community of like-minded parents hoping for better for their sons in this complicated world

What do I wish for my son? So many things, but here are the ones I pray for the most.

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Managing Holiday Stress During a Pandemic

It's all fine and well to want to approach the holidays this year the way you feel is best but does 'your way' honor those with whom you want to celebrate? One of the biggest lessons I've learned in 2020 is that almost everyone I know has a different feeling about what's safe and a different approach to life right now. Read more about managing the stress of the holidays during this unusual time, with Coronavirus restrictions.

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Making the Best of Working at Home with Kids During a Crisis

This post isn’t meant to be a tutorial on how to have fun in quarantine -- we all know that’s BS. But an example of what our little family (with and four and seven-year-old) have been doing to survive. I hope you can either commiserate with me or gain some value from what we’ve been doing to endure quarantine with kids amid Coronavirus.

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38-Years-Old is Young: An Open Letter to the Middle-Aged Woman

Being 38-years-old doesn’t mean that at 40 your life will be over. It doesn’t mean that you have given all you have to give the world or are done growing and shaping your life. Here’s what it means to me to be 38 and a woman.

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How big is my love? A Letter From Your Working Mom. Part Two

It may seem like as a working mom I am not available enough, or present enough, but I hope you know how much I love you. Read part two of this two-part parenting post about being a full time working mom.

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What’s Up With All The Mom Guilt? Can We Quit It Already?

There’s no way to be a good mother, work full time, keep your marriage or relationship healthy, and do all the other things you think you need do as a mom each day. It’s a race you just can’t win. Here’s how to stop guilting yourself and enjoy your life as a mom!

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