The Power of the Pivot: A Working Mom’s Perspective on Flexibility and Resilience
There comes a time in life when you realize there’s nothing to lose. When I reached out to Raena Boston on Instagram to see if she would write a guest blog for Entreprenista Mama, I was nervous, and felt like there was no way she would say “yes!”
But that’s the amazing thing about putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. We connected from across the country, and she did give me a warm and wholehearted “yes,” to share her story.
A mom, entrepreneur, soul-seeker, and general badass, Raena has made my days a little brighter, deeper, and more inspired since I started following along with her journey as a working mom on Instagram. I am ever the believer in building a community of women supporting women, and Raena has so much wisdom, and openness to share.
Thank you for your trust, Raena. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. This is Raena.
Raena with her #TinyTenants
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I’m Raena, a former freelance journalist turned HR pro. I’m now pivoting back to my first love which is writing over on my little corner of the internet, The Working Momtras. I talk all about working motherhood, careers, marriage, and parenting. I’m a mom to two boys, Aksel (4) and Asher (3). I refer to them as the #tinytenants on the gram.
What do your friends say they love about you?
My sense of humor, candor, and ability to hold the space for them.
Are you experiencing any big changes or transformations in your life?
Who isn’t?! 2020 has been wild. This year I’ve navigated a promotion, mental health leave, gleeful demotion, and marital muck all in the backdrop of the pandemic. I need 24 naps.
What are the 3 most challenging things in your life right now?
Juggling The Working Momtras with my roles as mom, full-time employee, and partner.
Sharing openly and honestly and getting push back from family.
Feeling like I’m constantly flying by the seat of my pants. “Is that permission slip due?” “Oh, teacher planning day is tomorrow?!” “Crap, I need to publish that post!”
What are the 3 most wonderful things in your life right now?
Settling on the fact that my worth is inherent.
My family - The Yancey Frat House.
Find your tribe with The Working Momtras.
If you could give your younger self 3 important tips about life what would they be?
Don’t rush. Enjoy the moment.
Keep writing.
Everything you want is on its way to you.
What do you love to do with your children?
Read books, talk to them, sing and dance to the Hamilton soundtrack, snuggle them.
What inspires you to keep going?
My intuition has been pushing me to write and share. When I offer something up that’s really hard getting messages that my words were a balm keeps me in the groove and feeling inspired.
What are 3 things you need to do for your wellbeing each day or week?
Talk to good friends that truly see me
Take moments to rest
What brings you joy?
I once heard child-rearing described as all joy and no fun and I felt that. My boys bring me a lot of joy. The Working Momtras brings me joy. Meaningful interactions. Coffee.
What do you want to see change in the world?
Racism. I really hope my children feel free and are safe in their bodies.
Tell me what you’re obsessed with right now:
Hamilton. I’m four years late but it is so good.
Who are the 3 women that inspire you most? Why?
My oldest sister Rhonda - She is 16 years older than me, and she is a triumph in so many ways. She set a great example for me.
Oprah - Enough said.
Meaghan Markle - Saw that love wasn’t being served at the table and left.
Raena Boston, founder of The Working Momtras.
Any other parting thoughts?
Mama, you are enough. Your dreams, goals, desires, and needs are there for a reason. Ask for what you need, and if your requests are not granted, then take what you need.
Want to follow along with Raena’s journey? Join The Working Momtras on Instagram.
The Working Momtras is an online community designed to help working moms (all moms work) ditch mom guilt, curate careers they love and create their own definition of having it all through the power of story.