A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Being a Woman Leader in the COVID Era

Join me for my first ever video interview with the incredible Amy Turner, creator of the Courage Integration Model, and founder of The Courage Tribe, as we talk about being a leader in the COVID era, thriving as a working mom, navigating divorce, social activism and so much more. 🙌It was such a great conversation, we heart still lights up thinking about it. 💜

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Managing Anxiety as a Mom

Here’s how I’ve learned to manage anxiety as a mom. If you suffer from anxiety and have not sought help yet, I sincerely hope you will begin with that step. But either way, I hope my experience and the following ideas help bring a glimmer of hope to your life or someone else's that may need to read this.

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How to Persevere When the Entire Business World Changes

This month, I connected (remotely) with Margaret Cascio. A veteran in the hospitality and tech industries, a mother, a full-time career woman, and a social advocate to discuss how she is persisting during this time and finding ways to flourish and adapt. Here is her story.

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Diversity of Skills Equals Assurance: Your Career Doesn’t Have to Take a Planned Path

April O’Meara has the perfect story to explore the concept of how to diversify your skills for career growth. Her career has taken anything but an expected path, and the flow of her professional life is what makes her such a warrior and incredible example to women. Read the full story in this interview-style post with Entreprenista Mama.

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How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome, and Embrace Your Power

At almost 40, I am finally learning how to own my power, believe in myself, and conquer imposter syndrome. As a recovering imposter, who's now learning to own my power as a leader, an entrepreneur, a mom, and a woman, here are a few of the ways I've seen Imposter Syndrome take over and stop wondrously talented women from pursuing their dreams.

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Surviving In Corporate Leadership: A How-To Guide For Women

Kelsie Skinner became a marketing director for a fast-paced high volume B2B business before thirty. Learn how she did it, and how she balances her work life and home life, plus what inspires her!

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38-Years-Old is Young: An Open Letter to the Middle-Aged Woman

Being 38-years-old doesn’t mean that at 40 your life will be over. It doesn’t mean that you have given all you have to give the world or are done growing and shaping your life. Here’s what it means to me to be 38 and a woman.

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Corporate Culture Needs to Change for Women to Thrive

Women get into the corporate workforce thinking that all is fair and equal, only to discover that the cards in the company deck are stacked against female professional advancement. Corporate culture needs to change for women to thrive and become better leaders!

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Why You Should Wait To Set Your New Year's Resolutions Until January

With all of the craziness that comes with the holidays, especially if you have kiddos, it can seem insane to try tacking on personal growth planning during that time as well. So don’t! Read why setting your resolutions for the year in January can set you up better to achieve your goals this year.

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Dear Women, Is Staying Silent Hurting Our Capacity For Change?

Do you feel like the current political state of our country is so negative and partisan that it’s almost revolting? Do you look at your social media feed and feel worse? Do you feel at a loss as to what to do? Let’s have a real conversation about how our silence is hurting our country.

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