A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Unraveling the Secrets to Enjoyable Road Trips with Kids: A Mom’s Guide

I like to think of my little family as a pod of adventure and thrill-seekers – and we are! Our kids love going on the next adventure, and yes, we do go on a ton of camping trips and road trips. But let's be honest, calling it an "adventure" sometimes just means nobody threw up in the car seat. Read my tips for road tripping with kids.

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Simplifying Life as a Working Mom: A Guide to More Balance and Less Overwhelm

Chances are, if you’re a working mom like me, you're also deep in the trenches of mom chaos, which ranges from organized disarray to full-blown apocalypse. So, before you ask how this post will help you navigate the madness, let me assure you, I've found some ways to keep my life from unraveling faster than a cheap sweater.

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Ten Things I’ve Learned Being A Parent of Two

Over the eleven years I’ve been a parent, and yes, to all of you grown-and-flown moms out there, I’m sure you’re thinking, “Oh, honey, you have no idea yet!” All the same, over this decade plus, I’ve learned (often the hard way 🥴) a number of valuable lessons about parenting two very unique little humans.

Whether you’re a new mom of two, a mommy to more than two, or are going through a tough time with parenting your kiddos, I hope this list helps bring you some peace, insight, and a laugh or two (no pun intended 🤪).

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Mom Life, Parenthood Survival, Working Moms Elisabeth Thomas Mom Life, Parenthood Survival, Working Moms Elisabeth Thomas

What to Do When You Don’t Want to Be a Parent Anymore

I chose to parent, I wanted to be a parent, and my children are lovely, unique (albeit crazy) little humans. For better or worse, I want to be part of their lives. I want to be there for them when they are sad, happy, and all the things in between.

But, some days, weeks, or months just get the best of me. And this last week was one of them. So what should you do when, like me this week, you don't have the energy or desire to be a parent anymore?

After talking myself off the ledge and taking a few deep breaths, I realized there are some things I can do and need to do right now to make sure I can function as a mom -- especially during an emotional crisis.

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Balancing Physical Health and Diet as a Parent [Interview with Frances Largeman-Roth]

A nutritional expert, author, and former food and nutrition director at Health Magazine, Frances is no stranger to busy days, working to juggle life, family, and career. You can learn more about Frances on her website, but when we sat down, I became interested in learning more about how health fits into life as we now know it. Read the interview.

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Stop Pressuring Yourself and Still Enjoy the Moments with Your Children

My kiddos are nine and six years old now, so I feel like I right in the middle of the ‘raising children journey.’ Although, someone with adult kids is welcome to correct me on this. And I know the teenage years are coming and will change the dynamic drastically. Therefore, I am definitely working harder these days to enjoy my little humans, and appreciate how much they have grown already. But there are still those days (or should I more accurately say, moments every day), that I do not enjoy. These are the ones I look back on and feel guilt or regret for not being more patient, or listening more. But I think it’s time to normalize the rollercoaster of emotion that comes along with parenting. Stop trying to enjoy every moment, but enjoy the important ones!

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For My Son: What I Wish For You

If you’re reading this, hoping to gain some insight into your hopes and dreams for your son or son’s futures, I endeavor to give you the following:

  • A glimpse into how this modern working mom (me!) is trying to raise my son

  • Camaraderie in the son-parenting journey

  • Solace in the knowledge that we’re all doing the best we can

  • A community of like-minded parents hoping for better for their sons in this complicated world

What do I wish for my son? So many things, but here are the ones I pray for the most.

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Motherhood is a Journey: Here’s What I’ve Learned

The biggest lesson that motherhood has taught me is to give more grace. I have learned to let go of this idea that I’m going to be a perfect mother. I’m going to make mistakes. I’m going to fail. Really great things happen when I can forgive myself for that, or ask for my kids’ forgiveness when I need to. I actually get the opportunity to show my kids how to fail and make mistakes and learn from them. Read the full story.

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Managing Holiday Stress During a Pandemic

It's all fine and well to want to approach the holidays this year the way you feel is best but does 'your way' honor those with whom you want to celebrate? One of the biggest lessons I've learned in 2020 is that almost everyone I know has a different feeling about what's safe and a different approach to life right now. Read more about managing the stress of the holidays during this unusual time, with Coronavirus restrictions.

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Managing Anxiety as a Mom

Here’s how I’ve learned to manage anxiety as a mom. If you suffer from anxiety and have not sought help yet, I sincerely hope you will begin with that step. But either way, I hope my experience and the following ideas help bring a glimmer of hope to your life or someone else's that may need to read this.

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What It Actually Means To Be A Good Mom

Being a good mom isn't up for anyone else to decide, but you! If you are striving to be a magnificent mother -- and, if you're reading this post, I know you are -- then maybe what I've learned can help you in your unique journey as a parent. I have learned my own lessons the absolute hardest way possible. Please make it smoother and softer on yourself.

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Making the Best of Working at Home with Kids During a Crisis

This post isn’t meant to be a tutorial on how to have fun in quarantine -- we all know that’s BS. But an example of what our little family (with and four and seven-year-old) have been doing to survive. I hope you can either commiserate with me or gain some value from what we’ve been doing to endure quarantine with kids amid Coronavirus.

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Part 3: Set Loving Goals For Yourself In 2020

Would it be fair to say that it’s incredibly hard to get your personal goals down on paper? But, what if you could take all of those passions and desires housed in your brain, and get them out on paper. I finally did it myself; I wrote down my New Year’s resolutions! And you can too! Read part three of this blog series: How to Set Loving New Year’s Goals for Yourself in 2020.

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How big is my love? A Letter From Your Working Mom. Part Two

It may seem like as a working mom I am not available enough, or present enough, but I hope you know how much I love you. Read part two of this two-part parenting post about being a full time working mom.

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What’s Up With All The Mom Guilt? Can We Quit It Already?

There’s no way to be a good mother, work full time, keep your marriage or relationship healthy, and do all the other things you think you need do as a mom each day. It’s a race you just can’t win. Here’s how to stop guilting yourself and enjoy your life as a mom!

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