A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Twenty Best Quotes from Female Entrepreneurs in Honor of Women’s Equality Day

In honor of the grit, perseverance, and ongoing effort women make to achieve their dreams, here are my twenty favorite quotes from female leaders and entrepreneurs. See who’s on the list!

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3 Lessons to Help You Crush Your Mid-Year Goals

Are you ready? Here are the 3 big lessons I’ve learned about how to re-focus mid-year and actually overcome the professional slump you might find yourself in to achieve those big goals before the end of the year.

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6 Things I Wish I Would Have Started Before Turning 41

I spent my fortieth year working through these questions, reframing my goals as a mother, partner, professional, and woman over forty. And I don’t have the answers, to be honest. But, this month, I turned forty-one, and a peace settled over me. Here’s what I realized as I moved from forty to forty-one and am now solidly in my “forties.”

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Mom Life, Parenthood Survival, Working Moms Elisabeth Thomas Mom Life, Parenthood Survival, Working Moms Elisabeth Thomas

What to Do When You Don’t Want to Be a Parent Anymore

I chose to parent, I wanted to be a parent, and my children are lovely, unique (albeit crazy) little humans. For better or worse, I want to be part of their lives. I want to be there for them when they are sad, happy, and all the things in between.

But, some days, weeks, or months just get the best of me. And this last week was one of them. So what should you do when, like me this week, you don't have the energy or desire to be a parent anymore?

After talking myself off the ledge and taking a few deep breaths, I realized there are some things I can do and need to do right now to make sure I can function as a mom -- especially during an emotional crisis.

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How to Deal with Burnout as a Working Mom

Mothers in today's society, at least in the United States, are expected to be there for their children's every need. They also ought to work for personal or financial reasons and take care of all household needs. Of course, there are the outliers. The mom's who work and have a partner at home take care of the family's day-to-day concerns. But in general, women now are expected to take care of everyone and everything but themselves. It's the #Momlife expectation that's, in fact, grinding us all to the bone. And that unrealistic expectation is causing severe burnout and depression across the board.

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Why 50 is the New 30: Interview with CEO Kristina Godfrey

I am most proud of my ability to balance the things that matter to me. I have been able to run and grow my business, be there for my three kids, maintain my friendships and foster new ones, be a loving wife (although sometimes bitchy 😉), take care of my mind and body, read great books, and most importantly, not take life too seriously!

I am incredibly proud of the relationships I have cultivated over the years – the very real and dear friendships I have nurtured. Those relationships never fail to lift me and keep me going. Read the full post.

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Balancing Physical Health and Diet as a Parent [Interview with Frances Largeman-Roth]

A nutritional expert, author, and former food and nutrition director at Health Magazine, Frances is no stranger to busy days, working to juggle life, family, and career. You can learn more about Frances on her website, but when we sat down, I became interested in learning more about how health fits into life as we now know it. Read the interview.

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Leaving Behind Guilt at 40

At 40-years-old, you can accept that you are worthy of breaking through the surface of your hopes and dreams, and goals. You are worthy of happiness and accomplishment. And guess what?! Other women want to hear about it! You’re not conceded or pompous if you share how you got there, did that, or overcame it. You might just change someone else’s life with your experience and example.

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5 Ways to Start Changing Your Life

I can’t say I’m an expert at the process of making life changes by any means, but as I near the ripe age of 40-years-old (no laughing allowed!), I’ve begun to see some trends in my own life that might help you on your journey as a badass woman looking for that pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow. You can change your life! Don’t give up yet.

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Why Philanthropy and Winemaking Pair Nicely

It’s not every day I get to interview a woman-owned philanthropist and winemaker. Dani of Dani Gold Wines is a mom, wife, owns a wine company, and loves to give back to the world and her community. Read her interview now.

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Stop Pressuring Yourself and Still Enjoy the Moments with Your Children

My kiddos are nine and six years old now, so I feel like I right in the middle of the ‘raising children journey.’ Although, someone with adult kids is welcome to correct me on this. And I know the teenage years are coming and will change the dynamic drastically. Therefore, I am definitely working harder these days to enjoy my little humans, and appreciate how much they have grown already. But there are still those days (or should I more accurately say, moments every day), that I do not enjoy. These are the ones I look back on and feel guilt or regret for not being more patient, or listening more. But I think it’s time to normalize the rollercoaster of emotion that comes along with parenting. Stop trying to enjoy every moment, but enjoy the important ones!

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Purpose + Passion for Cognitive Development = Female Founded Etta Loves

Etta Loves was born, and this year launched their US presence as well! Creating the only baby products in the world designed alongside an Orthoptist (A.K.A. expert in children’s vision) -- putting science at the core of everything they do, Etta Loves, and Jen its founder have a truly unique mission. Read her story, and how she manages life as a working mom.

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For My Son: What I Wish For You

If you’re reading this, hoping to gain some insight into your hopes and dreams for your son or son’s futures, I endeavor to give you the following:

  • A glimpse into how this modern working mom (me!) is trying to raise my son

  • Camaraderie in the son-parenting journey

  • Solace in the knowledge that we’re all doing the best we can

  • A community of like-minded parents hoping for better for their sons in this complicated world

What do I wish for my son? So many things, but here are the ones I pray for the most.

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Motherhood is a Journey: Here’s What I’ve Learned

The biggest lesson that motherhood has taught me is to give more grace. I have learned to let go of this idea that I’m going to be a perfect mother. I’m going to make mistakes. I’m going to fail. Really great things happen when I can forgive myself for that, or ask for my kids’ forgiveness when I need to. I actually get the opportunity to show my kids how to fail and make mistakes and learn from them. Read the full story.

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What I’ve Learned From Some Of My Biggest Mistakes In Life

The reality was, I couldn't. I was too overwhelmed, too overworked, too overscheduled. I had become responsible for too much. There was literally no way I was going to be able to do it all. So like a frozen yogurt of responsibility, the tasks, and events, and commitments kept swirling around and around me until I was totally covered by soft-serve, sticky bullshit. This was when I learned one of the most valuable lessons of my life: You can do anything you want, but be careful what you ask for...so let's start there, shall we? Read the blog on the biggest lessons I’ve learned from life mistakes.

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