A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between
How to Persevere When the Entire Business World Changes
This month, I connected (remotely) with Margaret Cascio. A veteran in the hospitality and tech industries, a mother, a full-time career woman, and a social advocate to discuss how she is persisting during this time and finding ways to flourish and adapt. Here is her story.
What It Actually Means To Be A Good Mom
Being a good mom isn't up for anyone else to decide, but you! If you are striving to be a magnificent mother -- and, if you're reading this post, I know you are -- then maybe what I've learned can help you in your unique journey as a parent. I have learned my own lessons the absolute hardest way possible. Please make it smoother and softer on yourself.
Making the Best of Working at Home with Kids During a Crisis
This post isn’t meant to be a tutorial on how to have fun in quarantine -- we all know that’s BS. But an example of what our little family (with and four and seven-year-old) have been doing to survive. I hope you can either commiserate with me or gain some value from what we’ve been doing to endure quarantine with kids amid Coronavirus.
Let’s Change Corporate Culture So Women Can Flourish
The only way for women to break through the glass ceiling and gain more support and equal treatment in the workforce is if we can effectively change the corporate culture as it exists today. Find out how women can make the changes needed to make corporate a more supportive environment for women.
Corporate Culture Needs to Change for Women to Thrive
Women get into the corporate workforce thinking that all is fair and equal, only to discover that the cards in the company deck are stacked against female professional advancement. Corporate culture needs to change for women to thrive and become better leaders!
Stop Procrastinating And Overcome What’s Holding You Back
Maybe it’s lack of staying on task, or maybe you struggle with starting a project or making a big life decision, whatever the reasons are that you find yourself procrastinating, it’s time to stop and take action! Overcome what’s holding you back with these tips to stop procrastination in its tracks.
You Are Your Best Self Now. Embrace It.
I spent years trying to force myself into a box of physical health that wasn’t working for my body or my mind. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Give yourself the gift of self-love now! Ready the latest Entreprenista Mama post on why being your best self sometimes takes changing your perspective.
How big is my love? A Letter From Your Working Mom. Part Two
It may seem like as a working mom I am not available enough, or present enough, but I hope you know how much I love you. Read part two of this two-part parenting post about being a full time working mom.
How big is my love? A Letter From Your Working Mom. Part One
It may seem like as a working mom I am not available enough, or present enough, but I hope you know how much I love you. Read part one of this two-part parenting post about being a full time working mom.
Dear Women, Is Staying Silent Hurting Our Capacity For Change?
Do you feel like the current political state of our country is so negative and partisan that it’s almost revolting? Do you look at your social media feed and feel worse? Do you feel at a loss as to what to do? Let’s have a real conversation about how our silence is hurting our country.
You Can Have It All, Just Maybe Not All At Once
What if someone said you could have all the things you’ve ever wanted—all at once. Would that actually be a good thing? I’ve been working on a theory that consists of this: You can have all the things you want, just maybe not all at once. Read more, and tell me what you think!
My 6 Favorite Blogs For Women Right Now!
If you’ve started following us at Entreprenista Mama, then you know we are building a community of women who support women. In work, in motherhood, in transition and beyond. Here’s EM’s rundown of the top six blogs for women right now.
What’s Up With All The Mom Guilt? Can We Quit It Already?
There’s no way to be a good mother, work full time, keep your marriage or relationship healthy, and do all the other things you think you need do as a mom each day. It’s a race you just can’t win. Here’s how to stop guilting yourself and enjoy your life as a mom!
Simple Ways To Change Your Mindset At Work (Part Three)
Loving your job doesn’t mean it’s always perfect. Staying in the same routine can create a negative mindset. Beat the professional funk with these tips on changing your mindset. Part Three.
Simple Ways To Change Your Mindset At Work (Part Two)
Even if you love your job, staying in the same routine can create a negative mindset. Beat the professional funk with these tips on changing your mindset. Part Two.
Simple Ways To Change Your Mindset At Work (Part One)
Even if you love your job, staying in the same routine can create a negative mindset. Beat the professional funk with these tips on changing your mindset. Part One.