A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Finding Fulfillment and Happiness as a 42-Year-Old Woman

If you’re a woman turning forty-two-years-old soon, you’ve already crossed the threshold into your mid-forties, or you’re just curious and planning for the future, here are some of the ways I’m striving to live a fulfilled and fabulous life at forty-two years old.

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What I've Learned in My 50+ Years as a Woman Leader

Jill Rose is an experienced life coach and owner of Jill Rose Coaching. She works with women to help them reclaim their joy. And Jill truly is a joy to know. Additionally, “life coach” really doesn’t fully express what I feel makes Jill such an incredible woman leader, business owner, and mother. But instead of me blabbering on, let’s get to the interview!

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Celebrate Her: Holiday Gift Guide for the Women in Your Life

This year, we’ve collected our favorite products and gift ideas for the women in your life, so you don’t have to go hunting all over the place for the perfect gifts.

Here it is, The Womanhood Unwrapped Holiday Gift Guide for Your Favorite Women. Or, as we like to say, the Ultimate WU (Womanhood Unwrapped) Girl. 😘

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The Women’s Guide to Whole Wellness in 2023 | Part ONE Relationships

This December, as I reflected on 2022, what I learned from others, what I learned about myself, and what I’d like to take into the new year, I realized that for 2023, there’s a clear set of guidelines I’d like to follow. Here is part one on relationships.

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6 Things I Wish I Would Have Started Before Turning 41

I spent my fortieth year working through these questions, reframing my goals as a mother, partner, professional, and woman over forty. And I don’t have the answers, to be honest. But, this month, I turned forty-one, and a peace settled over me. Here’s what I realized as I moved from forty to forty-one and am now solidly in my “forties.”

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What Kind of Attention Do You Want? Are You Focusing on the Wrong Things?

I've found that where I focus my attention and where I gain attention from are truly interconnected. I recently read a quote from Henry David Thoreau that sums up how I am starting to focus and channel my time, energy, and personal awareness; it goes, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." Read the full post on attention-seeking, and how to focus on the right things.

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6 Things Women Should Be Openly Discussing

As women and men supporting women, we need to normalize the everyday discussions about all aspects of womanhood. As a middle-aged woman, a mother, a business owner, and a wife, I am yearning to foster open communication with my children, friends, and family about womens’ existence.

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Leaving Behind Guilt at 40

At 40-years-old, you can accept that you are worthy of breaking through the surface of your hopes and dreams, and goals. You are worthy of happiness and accomplishment. And guess what?! Other women want to hear about it! You’re not conceded or pompous if you share how you got there, did that, or overcame it. You might just change someone else’s life with your experience and example.

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Stop Pressuring Yourself and Still Enjoy the Moments with Your Children

My kiddos are nine and six years old now, so I feel like I right in the middle of the ‘raising children journey.’ Although, someone with adult kids is welcome to correct me on this. And I know the teenage years are coming and will change the dynamic drastically. Therefore, I am definitely working harder these days to enjoy my little humans, and appreciate how much they have grown already. But there are still those days (or should I more accurately say, moments every day), that I do not enjoy. These are the ones I look back on and feel guilt or regret for not being more patient, or listening more. But I think it’s time to normalize the rollercoaster of emotion that comes along with parenting. Stop trying to enjoy every moment, but enjoy the important ones!

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Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and What to Do About it

New year’s resolutions can create a love-hate internal tug of war. Let’s stop that vicious cycle in 2021, and support ourselves by creating loving, transparent, and trusting intentions, goals, and resolutions. Read the full blog with interviews from 10 different women, and more!

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On Turning 39 Years Old: An Open Letter

I'm a 39-year-old woman. I'm flawed. I don't love everyone and everything, and not everyone loves me. I am getting wrinkles, and I refuse to give up wine -- even though it might make me skinnier. I am working on loving myself and living the life that makes me content. I am a work in progress. And I'm cool with that. Read more on the Entreprenista Mama blog.

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Part 1: New Year's Goals For Women Overachievers

Let’s dig into bettering ourselves in 2020! Here are the first three of my resolutions for 2020 (yes, I'm an overachiever). All of which are aimed at becoming more resilient, more healthy, less reactionary, and generally extra zen in the new year. Because after all, this journey of life is a work in progress!

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8 Ways to Start a Hobby and Stick With It

Don’t give up on the hobby you’ve been trying to make time for, but just can’t seem to stick with. These eight ways to start a hobby and stick with it will help you get over the hurdles holding you back.

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Why You Should Wait To Set Your New Year's Resolutions Until January

With all of the craziness that comes with the holidays, especially if you have kiddos, it can seem insane to try tacking on personal growth planning during that time as well. So don’t! Read why setting your resolutions for the year in January can set you up better to achieve your goals this year.

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