A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Stop Procrastinating And Overcome What’s Holding You Back

Maybe it’s lack of staying on task, or maybe you struggle with starting a project or making a big life decision, whatever the reasons are that you find yourself procrastinating, it’s time to stop and take action! Overcome what’s holding you back with these tips to stop procrastination in its tracks.

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You Are Your Best Self Now. Embrace It.

I spent years trying to force myself into a box of physical health that wasn’t working for my body or my mind. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Give yourself the gift of self-love now! Ready the latest Entreprenista Mama post on why being your best self sometimes takes changing your perspective.

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Why You Should Wait To Set Your New Year's Resolutions Until January

With all of the craziness that comes with the holidays, especially if you have kiddos, it can seem insane to try tacking on personal growth planning during that time as well. So don’t! Read why setting your resolutions for the year in January can set you up better to achieve your goals this year.

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How big is my love? A Letter From Your Working Mom. Part Two

It may seem like as a working mom I am not available enough, or present enough, but I hope you know how much I love you. Read part two of this two-part parenting post about being a full time working mom.

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Don’t Lose Yourself In Responsibility: How To Stay True To The Inner You

Do you feel like your inner-self has been on the back burner lately? Are you only doing the things you must do, and not the hobbies, and activities you want to do? Find your inner self again. Get back to what makes you happy.

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Dear Women, Is Staying Silent Hurting Our Capacity For Change?

Do you feel like the current political state of our country is so negative and partisan that it’s almost revolting? Do you look at your social media feed and feel worse? Do you feel at a loss as to what to do? Let’s have a real conversation about how our silence is hurting our country.

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3 Big Reasons Why Weekly Routines Are Important

We all want to work smarter so we get weekends off and are able to go on all the adventures we desire. But you can’t get out and do what you want if you’re bogged down. Put a weekly routine in place and see what a difference it can make in your day-to-day efficiency and happiness.

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You Can Have It All, Just Maybe Not All At Once

What if someone said you could have all the things you’ve ever wanted—all at once. Would that actually be a good thing? I’ve been working on a theory that consists of this: You can have all the things you want, just maybe not all at once. Read more, and tell me what you think!

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What’s Up With All The Mom Guilt? Can We Quit It Already?

There’s no way to be a good mother, work full time, keep your marriage or relationship healthy, and do all the other things you think you need do as a mom each day. It’s a race you just can’t win. Here’s how to stop guilting yourself and enjoy your life as a mom!

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