A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

How to Launch Your Own Business While Managing Motherhood

If you’re dying to escape the professional trap you find yourself in. If you have a business idea that you are itching to start. Or, you just want more flexibility with your family, I’m excited to share some of what I’ve learned as a woman business owner, and mompreneur with over ten years of experience starting businesses, failing at businesses, and getting back up to try again.

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Escaping the Slump: Conquering Analysis Paralysis and Procrastination

Feeling bogged down—whether it's steering through career decisions, balancing family life, or just trying to remember what fun looks like without a screen—can seem daunting. But fear not, I have some strategies that might just help us not only survive but maybe even thrive during these times:

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7 Essential Lessons Every Woman Business Owner Should Know to Succeed

Let's get real for a moment. Being a woman in business isn't all power suits and corner offices (though, let's be honest, a good blazer never hurt anyone).

When I started my first business, I had no idea what I was doing (I still don't half the time!). Because of that, I learned a lot of hard lessons and did things wrong in various ways.

Business ownership is a journey—a rollercoaster filled with highs that make you feel invincible and lows that have you questioning your life choices over a pint of ice cream at 3 AM. But fear not—every twist and turn on this wild ride comes with a lesson or two, and I'm here to spill the tea. Buckle up, boss babes; this one's for you.

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The Best Business & Career Ideas for Women in 2024

It’s always struck me as odd that there’s a cultural expectation that people will find the career they want by the time they are eighteen years old and will stay in that profession for their whole working life!

I mean, if you look at your other choices and changes throughout life, it’s kind of silly, right?

If you're considering a new business or career, this post is for you! I’m here to inspire you with the top business ideas for women in 2024.

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Your 30-Day New Year Plan To Get in Gear

It’s that time of year again. That’s right. The time of year when it seems like you should have everything in place: your personal vision board, your business plan, and your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s your simple 30-day plan to get yourself in gear.

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Celebrate Her: Holiday Gift Guide for the Women in Your Life

This year, we’ve collected our favorite products and gift ideas for the women in your life, so you don’t have to go hunting all over the place for the perfect gifts.

Here it is, The Womanhood Unwrapped Holiday Gift Guide for Your Favorite Women. Or, as we like to say, the Ultimate WU (Womanhood Unwrapped) Girl. 😘

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5 Ways to Start Changing Your Life

I can’t say I’m an expert at the process of making life changes by any means, but as I near the ripe age of 40-years-old (no laughing allowed!), I’ve begun to see some trends in my own life that might help you on your journey as a badass woman looking for that pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow. You can change your life! Don’t give up yet.

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Why Philanthropy and Winemaking Pair Nicely

It’s not every day I get to interview a woman-owned philanthropist and winemaker. Dani of Dani Gold Wines is a mom, wife, owns a wine company, and loves to give back to the world and her community. Read her interview now.

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Purpose + Passion for Cognitive Development = Female Founded Etta Loves

Etta Loves was born, and this year launched their US presence as well! Creating the only baby products in the world designed alongside an Orthoptist (A.K.A. expert in children’s vision) -- putting science at the core of everything they do, Etta Loves, and Jen its founder have a truly unique mission. Read her story, and how she manages life as a working mom.

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What it Takes to Launch a Startup Before 30

When you meet Jessica Sturzenegger, CEO and cofounder, Amara Organic Baby Food, you’re immediately struck by her positive and warm personality, as well as her clear passion for health and wellness that can be delivered through food. Here is her story on the Entreprenista Mama blog.

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Don’t Kill Your Momentum By Over-focusing On Perfection

I'm the first to overthink things. I'm the first to run through all the scenarios, possible pitfalls, and potential positive or negative outcomes. But as a woman, who's also a mother, wife, and serial entrepreneur, I had to learn early in the launch of my first business, a super challenging lesson. It’s all about perfectionism, and when to let go. Read more on the blog.

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Diversity of Skills Equals Assurance: Your Career Doesn’t Have to Take a Planned Path

April O’Meara has the perfect story to explore the concept of how to diversify your skills for career growth. Her career has taken anything but an expected path, and the flow of her professional life is what makes her such a warrior and incredible example to women. Read the full story in this interview-style post with Entreprenista Mama.

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Corporate Culture Needs to Change for Women to Thrive

Women get into the corporate workforce thinking that all is fair and equal, only to discover that the cards in the company deck are stacked against female professional advancement. Corporate culture needs to change for women to thrive and become better leaders!

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Stop Procrastinating And Overcome What’s Holding You Back

Maybe it’s lack of staying on task, or maybe you struggle with starting a project or making a big life decision, whatever the reasons are that you find yourself procrastinating, it’s time to stop and take action! Overcome what’s holding you back with these tips to stop procrastination in its tracks.

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Don’t Lose Yourself In Responsibility: How To Stay True To The Inner You

Do you feel like your inner-self has been on the back burner lately? Are you only doing the things you must do, and not the hobbies, and activities you want to do? Find your inner self again. Get back to what makes you happy.

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You Can Have It All, Just Maybe Not All At Once

What if someone said you could have all the things you’ve ever wanted—all at once. Would that actually be a good thing? I’ve been working on a theory that consists of this: You can have all the things you want, just maybe not all at once. Read more, and tell me what you think!

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What’s Up With All The Mom Guilt? Can We Quit It Already?

There’s no way to be a good mother, work full time, keep your marriage or relationship healthy, and do all the other things you think you need do as a mom each day. It’s a race you just can’t win. Here’s how to stop guilting yourself and enjoy your life as a mom!

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