A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Why Philanthropy and Winemaking Pair Nicely

It’s not every day I get to interview a woman-owned philanthropist and winemaker. Dani of Dani Gold Wines is a mom, wife, owns a wine company, and loves to give back to the world and her community. Read her interview now.

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How to Persevere When the Entire Business World Changes

This month, I connected (remotely) with Margaret Cascio. A veteran in the hospitality and tech industries, a mother, a full-time career woman, and a social advocate to discuss how she is persisting during this time and finding ways to flourish and adapt. Here is her story.

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How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome, and Embrace Your Power

At almost 40, I am finally learning how to own my power, believe in myself, and conquer imposter syndrome. As a recovering imposter, who's now learning to own my power as a leader, an entrepreneur, a mom, and a woman, here are a few of the ways I've seen Imposter Syndrome take over and stop wondrously talented women from pursuing their dreams.

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Corporate Culture Needs to Change for Women to Thrive

Women get into the corporate workforce thinking that all is fair and equal, only to discover that the cards in the company deck are stacked against female professional advancement. Corporate culture needs to change for women to thrive and become better leaders!

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