A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between
Can You Be a Great Mom and a Successful Entrepreneur? Here’s What You Need to Know
Met my exhausted, overworked, trying-to-do-it-all younger self for coffee this morning. She rushed in, apologizing for being ten minutes late. It didn’t matter—I had gotten there early to work anyway.
Travel Like a Pro: The Perfect Travel and Reset Routine for Moms
Every mom has experienced the pre-travel chaos at least once. Some have mastered the art of traveling with little ones, while others are still figuring it out. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, we've got your back with tried-and-true tips for preparing, navigating the holiday or just a trip, and resetting once you're home.
Let’s dive into the ultimate travel survival guide for moms!
The Realistic Guide to Building a Career Without Sacrificing Motherhood
When I first started my business, I was a new mom with a one-year-old who had just discovered the art of toddler tantrums. The idea of launching a business at that stage seemed borderline lunacy—not just to everyone I mentioned it to but also to myself. So instead of diving in, I tiptoed. Here’s what I learned about balancing life and career as a working mom.
Building Intentional Habits for a Life You’ll Love This Year
As a working mom and business owner, I’ve learned that focusing on my strengths and building intentional habits is way more effective (and less exhausting) than trying to bulldoze my perceived weaknesses. That’s why every January, I trade the pressure-cooker resolutions for my trusty “Intentional Habits Workbook.” Think of it as a roadmap to a year that feels like me—but a little more organized, intentional, and, dare I say… fun.
Small Steps to Stay Calm and Centered During the Holidays
As a mompreneur and woman business owner, it's critical to not only show up for the important stuff—your team, your clients, and your network—but also prioritize rest and restoration so that you don't burn the Christmas candle at both ends until it burns out. That sounds like an impossible goal at this time of year. Am I right?
Here's the thing: you can indeed have it all! The holiday spirit and fun, along with managing holiday expectations and planning. Here's how!
Looking Back to Move Forward: Conducting a Self-Review to Shape Your Best Year
After years of getting it wrong, this serial mompreneur and podcast host is here to tell you a key lesson in the life of a busy woman: You will be way more effective, successful, and satisfied in life if you take moments of transition (like the end of one year, before moving into the next), to pause and reflect before jumping on board the plane of planning, setting resolutions, and goals, and launching off into the sunrise without checking your past-history fuel tanks – because let’s face it, you’re not jetting off anywhere with empty tanks.
The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Moms and the Women Who Do It All
This year, go a little further than the standard “sweater” gift and get them something that will shout from the rooftops that you care. Maybe get a few things – because, let’s be honest, the mom in your life will LOVE a care package that screams, it’s all about me!
While the amazing mom in your life has been juggling 50 things while also planning for the holidays and gifting others, we’ve been busy little elves crafting the ultimate holiday gift guide for the mom in your life.
Why Every Woman Needs a Mentor (Hint: It’s Like a Life GPS)
The fantastic thing about finding and establishing relationships with women who can mentor you is that these guardian angels or fairy godmothers are not just career guides; they’re also life coaches, your most passionate cheerleaders, and the supportive besties you need. And, here’s the best part: the unrealized mentors in your life are already at your fingertips. You just have to tap into your desire to be mentored and your willingness to be humble enough to seek out the right one.
How to Launch Your Own Business While Managing Motherhood
If you’re dying to escape the professional trap you find yourself in. If you have a business idea that you are itching to start. Or, you just want more flexibility with your family, I’m excited to share some of what I’ve learned as a woman business owner, and mompreneur with over ten years of experience starting businesses, failing at businesses, and getting back up to try again.