A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Embracing 43 as a Woman: How Your 40s Redefine Confidence

Turning forty-three is exciting for me, and I'll tell you why. So, if you found this post by accident, or if you're entering your mid-forties as a woman and feel ready to own this decade, let's talk about how you can redefine your mindset and embrace your 40s with confidence and self-awareness so you can thrive!

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Feeling Stuck? 7 Powerful Steps to Change Your Life When You Don’t Know How

Just the word “change” used to make my skin crawl. Alright, who am I kidding? It still does. You have no doubt heard the age-old saying that “nothing is constant but change.” As much as I hate to admit it, I have repeatedly been on the receiving end of this valuable yet challenging and often painful truth over my forty-two, almost forty-three years.

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Your 30-Day New Year Plan To Get in Gear

It’s that time of year again. That’s right. The time of year when it seems like you should have everything in place: your personal vision board, your business plan, and your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s your simple 30-day plan to get yourself in gear.

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Wrapping Up the Year: What I Loved and Learned in 2023

As soon as January 1, 2024, hits, I promise you’ll be ready to charge forward with inspiration and powerful motivation if you don’t wear yourself ragged over the holiday season.

So here I am, cozying up with a warm beverage and starting my annual wrap-up. Here’s what I loved and learned this year. I hope it provides you with some inspiration for your own reflection.

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