A Blog for women, about women; the roses and thorns of life & everything in Between

Diversity of Skills Equals Assurance: Your Career Doesn’t Have to Take a Planned Path

April O’Meara has the perfect story to explore the concept of how to diversify your skills for career growth. Her career has taken anything but an expected path, and the flow of her professional life is what makes her such a warrior and incredible example to women. Read the full story in this interview-style post with Entreprenista Mama.

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How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome, and Embrace Your Power

At almost 40, I am finally learning how to own my power, believe in myself, and conquer imposter syndrome. As a recovering imposter, who's now learning to own my power as a leader, an entrepreneur, a mom, and a woman, here are a few of the ways I've seen Imposter Syndrome take over and stop wondrously talented women from pursuing their dreams.

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Let’s Change Corporate Culture So Women Can Flourish

The only way for women to break through the glass ceiling and gain more support and equal treatment in the workforce is if we can effectively change the corporate culture as it exists today. Find out how women can make the changes needed to make corporate a more supportive environment for women.

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There’s No Magic Pill for Transforming Your Life

If you want it to work you have to work it. That’s the mission statement I live my life by, and when it comes to transforming your life for the better, this is the best formula to follow. Find out how to approach making changes in your personal life that will positively transform your future!

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Stop Procrastinating And Overcome What’s Holding You Back

Maybe it’s lack of staying on task, or maybe you struggle with starting a project or making a big life decision, whatever the reasons are that you find yourself procrastinating, it’s time to stop and take action! Overcome what’s holding you back with these tips to stop procrastination in its tracks.

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You Can Have It All, Just Maybe Not All At Once

What if someone said you could have all the things you’ve ever wanted—all at once. Would that actually be a good thing? I’ve been working on a theory that consists of this: You can have all the things you want, just maybe not all at once. Read more, and tell me what you think!

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