Womanhood Unwrapped

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What to Do When You Hit Roadblocks in Your Life or Career

It all starts with good intentions. 

You have a great business idea and a great plan that you just can’t quite execute. You meet the person you think you’re going to marry, and then five years later, you’re still waiting. 

You get the job, only to realize it’s the absolute worst fit for you. 

You’re finally ready to get pregnant, and then you keep trying and trying, and…then the anxiety, imposter syndrome, and self-doubt set in.

These are just a few of the possible roadblocks you might have encountered or be encountering in your life or career. I don’t know you. I don’t know where the exact wall lies that you keep running up against, but I do know you at the same time. All of the roadblocks above are ones I actually encountered at one point in my life – yes, you’re not mistaken, there are a lot of them! And like most people, most of the first ones I faced caused me to cower, turn away from the blocked path, and slowly walk away, thinking, what did I do to deserve this? Maybe I’m just not worthy. Back to my comfort zone I went, until somewhere along the way, I realized that the road and the roadblock were just suggestions.

Let me clarify. I’m not saying that, at times, you’re not going to face a situation that is unchangeable, unmanageable, or completely shuts you down in some way. What I am saying is that how you handle and move forward from that moment is absolutely editable.

You get to decide. Are you going to drive at full speed into your life’s current roadblock? Are you going to turn and run? Are you going to wait for the roadblock to be removed?

What you decide absolutely decides your future. Let me say that again. You are in charge. You get to decide. So, with that in mind, let’s chat about some ways I analyze my situation and then decide how to move forward when I encounter a roadblock.

What is causing the problem?

Sometimes, it’s extremely clear where and how you are running up against a problem or roadblock, but other times, it might be shadowed by either your own BS or some other variables. Regardless, before you can move into any other decision-making phase, you must determine what and where you are running up against that wall.

Is it money/funding? Is it a disengaged or noncommittal partner? Is it something you are doing to sabotage your situation?

Be honest with yourself. Write it down. 

“This is my roadblock. It is being caused by x, y, or z.”

Is it Imminent that I Make a Decision?

The first and most important question to ask yourself and then answer is simple but often tough to accept. “Is it imminent that I make a decision?”

Why is this the first and most important step? Because there are times when you absolutely, fundamentally cannot move forward, and therefore, you must choose a new direction quickly. If you do not need to make a decision quickly, you can still proceed to the next few steps.

What are My Options?

We always have options. Even if the option right now is to wait and see what happens next or to do something more definitive. If you hate your job, do you have the flexibility to quit while you look for something else? If not, what can you do to make your day-to-day more manageable?

Even if the option is to do something really small, like go for a walk every day at lunch, that little change can often have a ripple effect and change your mindset, which in turn creates energy and change. Write down two to three options that are absolutely right in front of you, then decide which of these is right for you right now.

What can I Learn from This?

Okay, okay. No eye-rolls, please. Do you remember that time when someone said to you, “What can you learn from this?” Maybe it was a teacher or your parent; regardless, it probably was something that pissed you off, right? 

But those annoying truths don’t go away, especially when they are based on solid reasoning.

Whatever the roadblock is that you are currently struggling with– guaranteed–there is something you can learn from the situation. It might not be something you want to learn. Believe it or not, I’ve been there…more times than I’d like to admit. But every single time, there was a lesson I needed to learn from the difficult decision or situation.

Asking yourself the question allows you to accept that a) you’re not perfect, and b) you’re allowed to learn and adjust as you go! That’s life. If you don’t learn something along the way, what’s the point?

What’s the First Next Step?

Yes, I just said, “First, next step.” That’s because there are likely many next steps to get you from blocked to racing again, but it always helps to look at things one step at a time.

If you know where you want to go, and you can just start slowly but surely stepping around the roadblock that’s keeping you from reaching for your next best life, take it a little bit at a time. Sometimes, all it takes is that first step forward to propel you into a place you never thought was possible.

Now is the time to invest in yourself.

Your idea, your next job, and your thriving business all depend on one person: you.

Don’t let the fear of failure or the roadblocks that come along with stepping out of your comfort zone stop you from realizing your potential!

We’re here to help you. Sign up now for our unique course, Building Your Personal Brand with Intention.

It’s not just for influencers or online thought leaders. This course is for women who have dreams. It’s focused on helping you hone in on creating a flourishing presence around your personal brand that is truly authentic and intentional.

But don’t wait! Sign up Now. Change Your Life Now. One step at a time.