Womanhood Unwrapped

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Celebrating Women’s History and Your Own

It’s International Women’s Day, and Women’s History Month. And each year during this time, I spend a significant amount of energy thinking about what I want to write about, and how I want to honor the generations of women who have come before me, and exist now, who are contributing to our world in such significant ways.

I’m always left feeling overwhelmed, and uncertain as to how to express my depth of gratitude, and awe. One day is not enough. One month is not enough.

The women in history, and living now deserve so much more. 

But this year, I started thinking about how each of us women has our own history. We each have our own journey, experience, and path that led us to where we are today. Our individual history is not only affected by the women who came before us, our mothers, their mothers, and so on. Our women’s history is also based on what’s happened in our lives, how we chose each path we went down, and how we managed each challenge.

No matter what, you have something you have accomplished, something you have learned, something you should be proud of, and somewhere you are dreaming of going with your life.

So with this concept in mind, I wanted to share some ideas of how you can honor women in history this month, women all over the world now, and yourself – a woman making history now.

Embracing & Let Go of the Past

We all have a past. Women history makers made history by embracing their own path, and path, then continuing to strive for more, for better, for their dream. 

Rosa Parks, the American Activist and Civil Rights Leader may have sat in a seat, on a bus during a critical time in our country’s history, but she had been fighting for equal rights, and an end to segregation well before that day, and continued well after.

When I was thirteen years old I started working. First I was a babysitter, then I realized I could make more money, and work less if I got a job at a local diner, that then led to waiting tables at a local mexican restaurant. I started working because my parents were getting a divorce, my mother was on welfare at the time, and I wanted to have an income, to help, but also for myself – so that I could buy clothes, and feel like I could fit in with the other kids my age.

The cause was a drastic change in my family and my life, but the affect was that I started gaining valuable work experience, and life experience at a young age. Today I use all of the lessons I learned from the various service jobs, to the college education and degree I eventually gained to help my thrive as an entrepreneur.

My past  experiences, have in turned helped me build the life I have now.

So here’s a Challenge for you: Can you sit down and write out the different moments in your own history that led you to where you are today? Then, take a moment to reflect, and thank yourself for your hard work.

Seek Learning & Understanding

I love nothing more than reading about or learning about women in history that have helped build the world we live in today. Some of those women have and are being recognized, but many of them go unnoticed, by history, by their loved ones, and by themselves. Here’s a great article about 10 Forgoten Trailblazers in History. Aside from the women who have been named, there are all the mothers who fought for their children to have a better life, the women who helped a man succeed while gaining no recognition themselves, there are so many women to honor it’s overwhelming. 

Here are a few books that can help you learn and understand a different side of history, through women’s eyes.

Women’s History Month Challenge: Think about the women who have come into and contributed to your life in a positive way. If they are still with us, call them, or write them a note thanking them for making an impact on your personal life and history.

Acknowledge the Milestones

No matter where you are in your life journey. No matter how close you are to achieving your dreams, or far, there are moments and milestones that you have passed through, and overcome that you should be proud of and start acknowledging.

There is not better time than this month to take a look into your personal history, and thank yourself for the work you have done, the ways you have changed and challenged yourself.

There was a time, not long ago when I was living a life that felt like a stranger’s. I was working at a thankless corporate job, my children were struggling, my marriage was on the rocks, and I felt like everything was falling apart. I could have stayed in that toxic environment. I could have ignored the issues with my family, and children. I could have remained an anonymous rung in the corporate ladder.

But something in my soul said, “enough,” and I slowly but surely started making changes. I now work on my own, and own my own business. I have flexibility to be there for my children. I feel professionally challenged and happy. None of that would have been possible if I hadn’t first acknolededged where I was at, and then worked to change my life for the better.

Your personal history challenge: Write yourself a thank you letter for the times you have chosen the harder, yet more rewarding path in the hopes of changing your life for the better.

Look Toward the Future

Your past is part of who you are. It’s the fabric that is making the quilt of your life, and helping you through the milestones, pitfalls, and accomplishments to gain all that you have ever hoped for and hoped to be.

But dwelling on the past, does not help you move forward. Acknowledging it, is important, but then it’s equally important to look at how you can empower yourself to move forward into your own zone of genius and happiness.

No matter where you are at, and what you have gained in your life, there is likely something you still desire, something that you still want to do, or learn, or achieve.

Your Future Challenge: Look at your goals. If you don’t already have a vision board, or business plan to achieve them, start making one now! If you don’t ask, you will never receive. This is the moment.

If you’re reading this, and are ready to achieve your dreams, then now is the time to sign up for our unique course on personal development.

We’re working hard to support women, their dreams, their goals. Building Your Personal Brand with Intention is part of my mission. Sign up for this incredible self-led course now.