Womanhood Unwrapped

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The Monthly Wrap-Up for Women: April 2024

To My WU Women,

Whether you’re a new member of our community or a long-time supporter, I’m thrilled to have you here. As a Womanhood Unwrapped subscriber, you'll receive exclusive content, updates, and opportunities to connect with like-minded women.

If you haven’t noticed already, I’m kind of an idea person. True confession: That doesn’t mean I’m always great at executing the ideas I have, but my brain is wired always to be thinking of the next thing. It’s a blessing and a curse. 😜

The point is that I’ve been noodling with the idea of doing a monthly wrap-up for women for quite a while now. I’ve tested a few ways of delivering this, and finally, voila! I came up with a plan.

So, without further ado, here’s your Womanhood Unwrapped monthly wrap-up for April 2024. 

What Books to Read

I’m a major book lover. I love a mix of listening to books on Audible and reading hard copies. Here are the books I’m reading right now:

What to Add to Your Closet

Is it just me, or does it seem like your closet needs to shift a little each month? With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner. Here are the staple items I am drooling over this month:

What Podcast Episodes to Download

If you’re like me, you love a good podcast find. Here are the podcast episodes (obviously, in addition to Stages of She – my very own podcast) that I thoroughly enjoyed this month:

What to Add to Your Pantry

I love to find new products for my pantry to support my family's dietary health and wellness. Here’s what I added in the past month:

What Blogs Should You Peruse?

These posts in the blogosphere are worth checking out. Whether writing about business, lifestyle, health and wellness, or personal development, these posts are worth reading:

What’s Newsworthy?

There’s so much energy around women collaborating, expanding, and making a difference in the world right now. Here are a few publications, newsletters, and articles that highlight incredible female leaders:

Who Should You Follow?

Women supporting women is a core mission and value of Womanhood Unwrapped. These women are making positive changes in the world and deserve to be followed on social media:

  • Small Business Moms on Instagram - Social media coach and women in small business advocate.

  • Stacie Swift on Instagram - Colorful illustrator and wellbeing advocate.

  • Untamed Hero - Survivor and thriver from narcissistic abuse.

From the Desk of Womanhood Unwrapped

I’m not going to lie; it’s been a crazy month. Between running a business, working on expanding Womanhood Unwrapped offerings and content, and managing the plethora of things that come along with having kids in sports, activities, and school, there have been moments when I wasn’t sure how, for Heaven’s sake, it would all get done.

But here’s the thing: it all does happen. The list does get checked off. The kids do make it to all the things we have scheduled. And somehow, there is still time for a bit of fun here and there.

As my family was ski camping a few weeks ago, I realized that staying present, focused, and motivated doesn’t happen consistently – for anyone. You have to allow yourself moments to freak out and moments to be in the flow. If you let yourself have the grace to hold onto both, the immense weight immediately lifts, and there’s suddenly room for your mentality to flex with what’s happening.

Not to say this will work for you, but as a type-A working mompreneur, I’ve started repeating this mantra when it all becomes too overwhelming:

“The decisions I make for me and my family are my business. My wellbeing, and the wellbeing of my family is more important than any expectations of me.”

And with that, I’ll leave you with a wish for much wealth, health, and happiness in the next thirty days.

xo 💓


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