Womanhood Unwrapped

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Three Sisters Empower Women With Their Products

You may have heard the following cliche advice before. It goes a little something like this:

  • Never start a business with family or your best friends -- it’s too complicated.

  • It’s better to go it alone than partner -- just too messy. 

  • Don’t share your idea-- someone might steal it.

I’ve heard different versions of this input many times, and yet I love nothing more than a mold-breaker, glass ceiling shatter-er, an exception to the rule. That’s what first drew me to the Caden sisters. Sisterpeneurs and founders of Belly Bandit and Proof, the Caden sisters created two mission-based companies. Their mission: to design garments and underwear for women tired of feeling insecure after giving birth, wanting to be confident in the face of unexpected leaks, and needing to feel good about their bodies. Both companies were the product (no pun intended) of real-life challenges! 

Jodi, Kari, and Lori are breaking barriers that often hold women hostage and doing it together! We sat down and got personal about their business, relationships, goals, and more. Here’s the story:

You founded 2 successful product companies all while working with your sisters! How did you all get started?


We were successful in the business world separately before launching our first company together. I owned a custom kitchen design company, and Lori began (and still owns!) a promotional branding company, so we had some insight up our sleeves before jumping in as a team. We started Proof because of a common woman-issue -- leaks. Women are no strangers to leaks. You start your period in your preteen years - or younger! Then you deal with bladder leaks, in-between spotting -- you name it. We wanted an all in one solution to anything that women are dealing with ‘down there’, from ages 9 to 90.


When we launched Belly Bandit (our first company), it started with me feeling uncomfortable in my postpartum body. I’d just delivered my daughter, and a man at Target offered to get something from a high shelf for me because I was ‘so pregnant.’ I was mortified because I had already delivered my baby! I wanted to feel more confident in my body, and began looking into compressive belly wraps as a way to heal and ‘snap back.’ The idea was born!

The idea for Proof really came together when our youngest sister, Kari, gave birth. Even though she had a c-section, she experienced extraordinarily heavy postpartum bleeding that even the most giant pads couldn’t contain. The more we talked to other women, the more we knew that a (really) leak-proof solution was needed. Friends who experienced endometriosis would bleed through a tampon and pad in 30 minutes. Other women felt nervous constantly that a sneeze or a jump would cause them to have a bladder leak onto their jeans. So, just like Belly Bandit, Proof became a solution to a problem that many women experience. We wanted something better for ourselves and for all women.


For us, when one sister is in need, the rest of us step in. So we all rallied around Lori to create and found Belly Bandit as a solution for her post-baby body blues. Then, several years later, I had my son, and inspiration struck again. Because I was plagued with intense bleeding after birth, despite having a c-section, we started to strategize, and Proof leak-proof underwear was born!

The greatest thing about Proof is that all of the other leak solutions have real downsides. For example, pads shift, tampons can cause illness, disposable underwear feels like wearing a diaper and are bulky under clothing. All of the alternatives leave behind a ton of plastic waste. We created Proof as a solution that fixes all of these problems: keeping you really (really) leak-free! They’re comfortable and cute, won’t shift or move around, won’t cause illness, and since you can wash and re-wear them, Proof keeps more single-use plastics out of landfills and oceans. 

What is your official role in the business? How does it differ from your role in the family?


I’m CEO of Proof and I think my sisters would probably say that role carries over into family matters as well. Being the oldest, and they may say the “bossiest”-- I guess it’s the birth order! I try to know what’s going on with everyone and don’t have a problem giving advice.


I’m the COO of Proof and have a bit of crossover with every department. In the family, I like to think that I try to take care of others -- spoiling my nephew, checking up on my sisters -- I just want to bring us together and make sure we really connect.


In Proof, I’m the CIO. In the family, I definitely have the typical ‘baby of the family’ traits. I try to always bring the fun, keep the peace, and make things light when it gets too serious.

What’s your sister-superpower?

Jodi is definitely the juggler. She juggles everything super well and keeps everything running smoothly. Fitting a square peg into a round hole is Jodi’s gift!

Lori is the giver. She wants to take care of others and make us all feel loved and cared for and can find almost anything.

Kari is the ultimate peacemaker and bringer of the party (the comedian of the trio).

Together, we make a great team!

Founders inevitably run into challenges along the way. Since you work with family, how do you handle situations where you don’t agree?


We are usually able to talk it out and come to an agreement. Sometimes it takes a while, but I can’t remember the last time we were truly in a stalemate and couldn’t agree.


I think we usually create our own sector to make decisions, so when we have crossover and there’s disagreement, we really try to listen to the one with more experience in a certain sphere. Beyond that, we really focus on talking it out, making sure everyone is heard, and working through it together.


Exactly what they said! And if we truly can’t come to a concise conclusion, then we make it simple: majority rules and take a vote!

What are your favorite things about working with your sisters?


Oh, I love all of it! Mostly, I like spending so much time together and having so much in common. It’s really easy over time to disconnect from the people we love when there is so much going on in our lives--from family to work. Having our business in common is a really nice way for us to remain connected. 

I also think having the common goal of mutual success is edifying: we are never in competition. A win for my sister is a win for me, and vice versa.


I think working together really takes any sibling rivalry out of our relationship. We are always rooting for each other and want each other to be happy and successful, and we have such common end goals. I also love seeing each of us in a different light. Of course, we remember beating each other up as kids, so seeing Kari come up with brilliant creative ideas or watching Jodi lead a room lets me appreciate and know them in a new way. That’s really special. Aside from that? Always having lunch together is a big plus - especially when I can convince them to pick it up!


I think the main benefit is time. I have a young son, and we are all so busy. I can only imagine how little time we would have together if we were all working this hard separately. For better or worse, we’ve really stuck together! Aside from that, I love knowing that I always have someone who understands. If I’ve had a frustrating day at home, I don’t need to explain it at work, and if I’ve had a hard day at work, I don’t have to explain it at home. We just get it and know what’s going on. And third -- raiding their snack drawers when we’re in the office.

Jodi and Lori live on the same street – I’m super far away, like 1-mile away.

Was there a moment when you all realized, “wow! We’re creating something Really Special and helpful for women!?”


Definitely! With Proof, I think it really hit me when we sent out samples to friends. We had one who always experienced bladder leaks when she worked out. She’d had a few kids, and her pelvic floor was super weak. Not even Kegels could help. So she always resorted to wearing pads which just isn’t the greatest. We gave her a pair of Proof when we were in development, and she texted us saying how happy she was, and that it changed her life! She could finally work out without worry. It was a great full-circle moment, knowing that we started making something for ourselves, as well as knowing that it would now help tons of real women out in the world.


For me, it’s always exciting to see things in print. There’s something special about having your product in the hands of someone that turns around and writes a really kind review - from on-site reviews to truly wonderful press mentions. It makes me super proud of what we’ve created.


I think my ‘a-ha!’ moment comes every time I have a real conversation about Proof with family and friends for the first time. Sometimes when people initially hear about Proof, they think it’s just for periods, but then we explain that it’s great for little bladder leaks when you’re working out, or back-up protection when you sleep, or for sweat to help keep you comfortable, and a light bulb goes on. They always end up saying “OHHH! I need that!” It’s really satisfying.

What did you do for work before launching Belly Bandit/Proof?


I owned a custom cabinetry and kitchen company. A very different venture from the world that we’re in now, but it gave me a lot of perspective and insight. I still love designing!


I owned a marketing branding merchandise company - making swag for other companies. It taught me a lot about hustle and grit, and the company is still going strong!


I came of age when Lori had already started, Caden Concepts, so my career really launched there. I’ve never known a world not working with my sisters!

What do you do for fun, or to unwind?


I’m a huge yogi! It helps me to center and focus. 


I love to hike, and get a weekly massage! I so miss my pre-quarantine weekly massages and can’t wait to get back to that. I also have two kids that keep me busy. They’re entering their teen years, so I’ll hang out with them as much as they will let me!


I just love to be with my people - my husband and my son, along with our two dogs. One of them is a puppy, so it’s still work, but it’s a fun kind of work!

Are there any books, podcasts, or music that you’re obsessed with right now?


I’m probably the biggest TV watcher! I love to zone out at the end of a long day. Over quarantine, I introduced my teenage niece to the 24 series, and we’ve been binging the series together. Had to get her acquainted with the good stuff!


This probably says something about me, but I’m not a huge TV watcher or reader. I do love finding inspirational quotes. I collect them and eventually put them together into books and gift them to my sisters. I think right now we’re on volume six.


I love a good audiobook! I just finished Super Brain by Deepak Chopra and would definitely recommend it.


What are you most excited to see happen in the next year? 


I’m really excited to see Proof in stores! With the COVID pandemic, we launched online and got into retailers online first, so it will be a big thrill to see our boxes on shelves!


Ohhh…my sisters won’t let me give away too many secrets, but I’m really looking forward to our new launches. New sizes, styles, colors--we’re bringing a lot of big things in 2021!


We really hit the ground running and expanded quickly, so I’m always happy to bring new team members on and work together. The more the merrier!

Anything else to share with women looking for a new solution to managing leaks and their monthly cycle?


I think Life comes down to comfort. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find what’s best for you, and we’re happy to throw Proof into the mix as a solution. Some women find that using it as a backup to a tampon or cup makes them feel more confident, and then gradually taper off until they feel comfortable relying on just Proof. Whatever makes you feel your best - do that!


Take care of yourself! Women are go-go-go, and it’s easy to overlook taking care of yourself. I speak from experience, the rest of my life works best when I make time to look after myself. I love that we’ve made a product that helps make women’s lives better and easier, and I love that it can be part of their self-care routine.


Talk about it! We’re really trying to take the taboo out of talking about periods. It’s so natural and normal, that we shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about it. If you want a very no-judgment space, you can always follow us! We’re @shopproof pretty much everywhere on social!

Don’t wait another minute to get more comfortable and confident with your body and your day-to-day routine as a woman and mother. Shop Belly Bandit, or Proof, and follow along with both brands on social media as these amazing sisters work to revolutionize the product and business world for women!

Follow Proof on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Follow Belly Bandit on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.