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Your 30-Day New Year Plan To Get in Gear

It’s that time of year again. That’s right. The time of year when it seems like you should have everything in place, your personal vision board, your business plan, your New Year’s resolutions…but instead, come January, you find yourself feeling a little lost, a little behind, and a whole lot unmotivated! 

I get it. This happens to me Every. Single. Year. 

No matter how much I reflect, strategize, or plan in December, by January, it all seems too overwhelming or just plain impossible. 

I’ve found over the years, as a working mother, business owner, and founder, that it’s much easier if I have a simple and consistent plan in this difficult month that kicks off each year. 

So, here’s what I do every January to get my butt in gear for the New Year (pun intended 😜).

Detox and Dry Out

The holidays are a ton of fun, and I adore celebrating with get-togethers, libations, savory food, you name it. But the weeks of overconsumption leave me feeling disappointed in myself by the end of the season. That’s why, in January, I like to take a month off from alcohol and sweets. 

You can call it “Dry January” or a New Year’s detox. You don’t have to take every day off of drinking or eating your favorite sweets, but I find that truly cutting out the junk is always the reset my body needs to regroup and motivate myself. 

You’re right, it’s hard. The first few days, in particular, are the pits. But here’s what you might gain from a Dry January:

  • Mental Clarity

  • Better Sleep

  • Less Calorie Consumption

  • Lower Blood Sugar

  • Higher Energy

  • A Sense of Accomplishment

Don’t believe me? 

Read the book Whole Detox by Dr. Deanna Minich, and take the 21 (at least) days to change your wellness, body, and life! 

Create a Personal Development Plan

Sometimes, I get my act together and create this plan in December, but most years, I prefer to do it in January. My brain is more prepared and has an easier time planning when I wait until the holidays.

There are lots of development planning methods out there, but I really love to write out answers to the following questions:

  • What did I accomplish last year?

  • What do I wish I did differently?

  • What do I want to manifest this year?

    • Professionally

    • Personally

    • In my relationships

  • How do I plan to get there?

Alternatively, this amazing Law of Attraction Journal can help guide you to a greater vision and understanding of your goals.

Move Your Body

If you read my blog from New Year’s a few years ago, you’ll remember that I HATE New Year’s resolutions—especially overly specific ones. It sets yourself up for failure to say things like “I’m going to lose 10 pounds, or I will drink a glass of water every day.

And, okay, I get that committing to a 30-day detox seems very specific, but it’s not committing to something that’s out of your control – AND anyone can do anything for 30 days.

While you are taking care of your future with a development plan and your insides with a detox, make sure you don’t neglect your mind and body.

Maybe try a new class–yoga, perhaps?

Or just plan a walk every week this month with a friend.

Nothing too crazy. Remember, that most people hit the gym hard in January, then lose the momentum in February. What if, instead, you take it slow and build yourself up instead of setting yourself up for disappointment?

Let January be a month of exploring what works for your body. Then, create a regular movement plan for the rest of your year.

PS Don’t forget to supplement your workouts with healthy and hearty recovery. 

I love the LMNT Electrolyte Hydration Powder Packets in the Variety Pack and Coffee/Hot Cocoa Pack.

Whatever you do, don’t be too hard on yourself or let yourself get discouraged. Ultimately, a new year should be about loving yourself more and remembering that the whole world is yours! So don’t waste a moment on guilt or self-doubt.