Womanhood Unwrapped

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Purpose + Passion for Cognitive Development = Female Founded Etta Loves

Things that all moms have in common: loving your child (or children) more than life itself, wanting the best for your family, feeling imperfect in your motherhood. Finding other mothers who bring out our courage, inspiration, and compassion is what makes the journey beautiful, bearable, and honest. Something all of us need as parents.


There are clearly many, many other qualities that make up the tapestry of motherhood, but when I met Jen Fuller, the founder and CEO of Etta Loves, I knew right away that she was the embodiment of a passionate, and compassionate mom-preneur. Jen launched Etta Loves in the UK -- a collection of sensory-stimulating products scientifically designed to promote cognitive development in babies and toddlers -- after the birth of her first child, Etta. Jen was captivated by the fact that her newborn had no interest in any of the common prints on baby clothes and fabric products, but when she would see a geometric pattern, she was enthralled! 

Jen Fuller, and Etta.

Etta Loves was born, and this year launched their US presence as well! Creating the only baby products in the world designed alongside an Orthoptist (A.K.A. expert in children’s vision) -- putting science at the core of everything they do, Etta Loves, and Jen its founder have a truly unique mission. 


Jen’s family and vision have grown from when Etta was a newborn (she’s now five), to the birth of little sister Uma, two years old, to an international brand presence for her company. I had the pleasure of interviewing Jen about her goals, hopes, dreams, and experience with being a mom and entrepreneur -- here’s her story:

What’s the most fundamental thing you’ve learned so far about being a mom?

That nothing prepares you. Motherhood really is a rollercoaster. From the newborn days when you’re full of love, fear, exhaustion, and overwhelm, to seeing them grow before your very eyes; parenthood is both the most incredible thing to witness, and also can be tinged with sadness that they’ll never be so small again. 


Was starting a business always in your plan or did it happen by accident?

It was very much an unintentional light-bulb moment whilst on maternity leave with my first daughter Etta! She was around six weeks old when I first noticed her staring intently at the patterned black and white jumper I was wearing while feeding her. She was totally ignoring the plain muslin flung over my shoulder. I found myself questioning why essential products that were in her newborn eye line day-in and day-out, weren’t designed to create wonder in her eyes. I became fascinated by what she, and babies in general, could and couldn’t see. So I set out to recreate the magic I saw on her face by turning omnipresent baby items into sensory essentials, and Etta Loves was born.

Jen and her family.

If you could create a nickname for the stage you are currently in as a parent, what would it be?

Probably the “how-am-I-still-not-sleeping” stage. 


What do you most love about being an entrepreneur?

I love the bubbly feeling that I get when something great happens, the rush I guess, and strangely -- given that I’m a bit of a control freak -- I enjoy the unpredictable nature of it. 

Ultimately the exciting bits are when the hard work collides with a little bit of luck and something magical happens. That feeling is unbeatable. There is of course a lot of bits I don’t enjoy all that much, but I try to focus on the positives as it’s an incredible privilege to be able to bring my ideas to life and share them with the world.  


Has there ever been a time in your business where you wanted to give it up? How did you find new motivation?

There have been many bumps in the road, it’s all part of the journey of an entrepreneur. Most of the trickiest times for me personally have come through production issues, as I had no prior experience with end-to-end production and therefore tripped up many a time. I’ve never been close to giving up though. I have such faith in the brand and our role in parents’ lives. Quitting has never been an option for me.  


When you spend free time with your kiddos what do you do?

My girls are still so young (five + two years old). They have the most incredible imaginations and unstoppable energy so I often sit back and enjoy the games they play and the stories they tell. Given my interest in child development, I find that the best place to take them is out in nature. Being outdoors inspires their curiosity and encourages them to use their bodies and minds whilst exploring. Nothing brings them (and me) more joy!


How do you reset and regroup?

We live by the seaside, and for me, regrouping comes either as a long walk, taking in the sights and sounds of the water, or else out in the water. I’ve taken up stand-up paddleboarding, which I find both calming and exhilarating at the same time. These little getaways make all the difference as a working mother.


What do you hope exists for your children in the world in 10 years?

Cures for all the horrible illnesses that I worry about on a regular basis!

Follow along with Etta Loves on Instagram at @EttaLoves

If you could give working moms three pieces of advice, what would they be?

I'd have to say, the first thing is to always remember why you're doing what you're doing, otherwise, it’s easy to get lost along the way. If you’re like me, most of your decisions are made with the goal of creating a better future for your children. I find this helps me to reduce the inevitable mum-guilt slightly. 


Whether it be work or family, aim to be “all-in” with the situation you’re currently in, and focus as fully as possible on the present. It is however easier said than done, as I remember returning to work, after maternity leave with my daughter Etta, to find it nigh on impossible to think of anything but her.


And finally, go easy on yourself. It’s an impossible juggle, so know that you’re doing an amazing job and that no mother ever has a perfect balance. 

Who do you most admire in the world?

My mum has always been an incredible inspiration to me. She’s an architect and insisted, at the young age of 16, that she didn’t want to go to typing college. Instead, she became the first girl to be allowed to go across to the boys’ school and learn technical drawing. She lost most of her vision around ten years ago and I’ve never seen anyone cope so well, or remain so positive in the face of something as devastating and life-changing. 


What are you obsessed with right now?

I am obsessed with the Ru Paul's Drag Race series. The recent new seasons have made me so very happy. It’s pure escapism but also truly insightful into lives that are so different from mine. 


Since launching my business I listen regularly to NPR’s How I Built This with Guy Raz for inspiration and also as a reminder that it’s never easy for anyone to build a business – even if it looks like it is from the outside! 


The other podcast I love is Grounded with Louis Theroux. He has such fascinating guests and often very intimate and illuminating conversations, with lots of laughs too!


In terms of music, I took up jump rope as part of my lockdown exercise regime. I’ve officially gone full circle back to 90’s garage-music classics to keep my energy (and my feet) up!


Thank you again to Jen, founder of Etta Loves for telling your story! You can learn more about the Etta Loves brand, and purchase one (or five) of the sensory-stimulating collections for the favorite baby in your life! Visit US.EttaLoves.com for more information.


P.S. Entreprenista Mama is actively looking for guest bloggers! If you’re a working mom, career woman, female entrepreneur, or any of the above, let’s chat about telling your story to our readers.